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The massage therapist standing on a patient's back
The massage therapist activating pressure points on a patient's neck

Bodywork designed for your body

Healing Done Right

Massage Therapy
with Wintry Verraneault

LMT 21188

Welcome to Altar, my personal studio and sanctuary for pain relief.

A decade of practice has honed my skills to offer you exceptional and transformative massage therapy.

Come in and experience the best that bodywork can offer!

A Portal to Rest and Relaxation

A smiling individual lying on her back having her shoulders massaged

Altar is a safe space designed for you to unwind and find healing.

Healing that centers you

Step into a sanctuary filled with natural light and good vibrations.

Massage here is a personalized experience that weaves empathic touch, guided breathwork, and intentional releases to leave you revitalized and at peace.

My holistic approach renews your mind-body connection and gives you a deeper understanding of your body's inner workings. Discover how good you get to feel in your body.

Massage is Medicine

Sessions Personalized for your Needs

Bodywork at Altar is more than massage: it's practical medicine.

Using advanced techniques and applied anatomy, I reshape your body's tension patterns to restore lasting relaxation and alignment.

Each treatment is customized to target the source of your pain and ensure your comfort.

I offer the following sessions: I. Rest II. Restore III. Renew.


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